As loyal Duranies, we do a lot of waiting. We wait for DDM news. We wait for new albums. We wait for the announcement of tour dates. We wait for our VIP swag in the mail. We wait for John Taylor to bless us with replies to our feeble tweets. We wait for updates on the condition of SLB's vocal chords. And now FINALLY, we weren't waiting. The Portland, Oregon show on the US tour HAPPENED this last weekend. And we were there!
After our trip to Coachella in April had been a disappointment on the Duran front, (where our Artist level status and backstage access didn't get us diddly squat when the band performed their set) - we were salivating for some proper DD action. For the US leg of the tour we were only able to see one show (it was just SaintC and me, as our dear Lady Elaine had foot surgery recently and needed recovery time). So this particular event was long anticipated, and well worth the wait! It fell over a weekend, so I didn't need to ask for even more time off from my employer (I'm already in the red on my holidays) but it was going to have to be whirlwind. We would fly in Saturday afternoon, power shop (when Canadians get access to places like Macy's and Nordstrom, they MAKE the time for shopping) eat dinner, get ready for the show, see the show,(!!!) find an after-show activity (hopefully involving the band in some way) and then do a bit more shopping the next morning and fly out in the afternoon. Officially, only a 22 hour trip. But Oh. So. Worth. It.
When we arrived at the venue we went into see what the seating arrangements were at Theatre in the Clouds. Seating has been a bone of contention for us in the past. When we get bashed up by the crowds against the stage barricade, (hello, the Joint in Vegas?) we usually come away with an affliction we have affectionately coined "Duran Elbow"..bruises and marks up and down the backs of our arms. That sort of lambasting hardly qualifies as a VIP experience. This time around, we had first row floor tickets on the right hand side, in front of Dom (where we always end up - for the love of Pete - can we sit in front of John for once?). The good thing was that the row of chairs was very close to the front of the stage, and the seats were set up in such a way so there was no room for any other rows to rush - and security kept everyone in their place. For this reason we had prime views and lots of space to dance without getting the crap beat out of us by the pushers and shovers. Thumbs up! When we went to collect libations, we ran into some other DDM pals and had a drink or two; talked about hanging out after the show. We'd find a pub, a bar at a hotel, something. Works for me.
The opener was Neon Trees and admittedly, we completely skipped it. None of us were interested, and knew we could just head down for our seats right before DD was to take the stage. We also had another mission - SaintC had an extra pair of tickets she had bought and ended up not needing. They were great seats (2nd row) and while she could have sold them, she thought maybe it would be fun to head up to the nosebleeds and just gift them to someone that looked like they would truly appreciate them. We meandered up to the top tier and looked around, not seeing anyone that looked like a hardcore fan and was deserving, or anything resembling as such. We were making our way out and looking around for the exit to go back downstairs, when a sweet, adorably dorky woman, around our age, offered directions and pointed us the way, unprompted. She looked like a genuinely nice person. I said to SaintC, "That's her." She agreed. I ran after her and asked if she was with only one other person, and she said yes. After offering her the floor seats she couldn't believe it. She ran away tearful and grateful, and a few minutes later showed up on the floor to collect her seats, with her MOM. They were both absolutely floored and said they'd never sat so close to the front at a show before. It was pretty cool to make someone that happy. Good to have karma on our side.
When the lights went down, I had THE BEST time from start to finish. I won't recap the set list in it's entirety, but it was mainly ANYIN material with a smattering of old stuff (Planet Earth, Hungry Like the Wolf, even Tiger Tiger) and the Wild Boys mash-up with Relax by FGTH. That was actually pretty cool. And of course I got a tear in my eye during Ordinary World - that goes without saying. A lot of people have crabbed about the set list being comprised of all the new stuff. But I have to say, I really enjoyed hearing those songs live. Leave a light On, Safe, ANYIN, Leopard, genuinely loved listening to them all. During Sunrise, Simon was standing directly in front of me on top of the speaker for that pinnacle point in the first chorus where the lights blaze white, and we all reach up for the sunrise - BLISS. Yes, I know it's terribly cheeseball and predictable - but I get off on that sort of thing.
The audience vibe was awesome, and everyone in attendance seemed truly into it, and while others commented after that Simon's voice had a few "blips", I never noticed. The only thing I noticed he did was forget the lyrics a couple of times, which - let's face it - happens every show anyway. But he hit some notes during OW that I thought would have been off limits, and I was really proud of him. I think of how nervous he must have been those first few shows.
They encored with Rio - and the lights came up. Over too soon. But for me it always ends the same. I'm happy, full of energy, and a little sweaty.. knowing that seeing live music, particularly by Duran Duran, always brings me joy. However, while I usually obsess over Roger at every show, I was completely blown away by JT this time around. Even when Roger came down and handed his drumsticks out at centre stage like he always does, I still had John in the corner of my eye. Even though it makes me happy in the same way every time, it's always a new experience that crops up different feelings for me.
After the show we went out for pints with our DDM pals, where they introduced us to Simon Willescroft, DD's very sweet saxaphone player. He has that sort of rumpled, unshaven, English hotness about him. We sat and chatted over a pint or two, but by this time it was 1:30 am and our cohorts were ready to call it a night, as were we. We said our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel.
The next morning, we stopped in at Target by the airport for some last-minute shopping as we were getting ready to leave Portland, and it felt like we'd been there for days. I think I love these fast trips the most. That's how our second New York trip was, back in 2007, which was totally unforgettable - and holds a special status that would be difficult for any other show experience to come close to. That said, I'm still hopeful that our next totally mind-blowing, unforgettable Duran Duran moment is right around the corner. This was pretty damn good by comparison. I am afraid to get my hopes up for the UK just yet. December is a long way off. But now that I've had a savory little taste on my palate, I'm more excited about heading across the pond than ever.
That Girl